Frederick  William Charles Henry

Charles Henry


The Descendants of Charles Henry Joseph Josiffe

Shown on the right are the descendants of Charles Henry Josiffe.

We have no records of anyone with the name Josiffe before Charles.  It is likely that all Josiffes alive today are descended from Charles; but please let me know I you think we are wrong!

The news paper article below from the Times dated 6 July 1860, gives us a small insight into the life of Charles Henry.  He owned, or ran, 'Joseph's Tavern' on the Strand.  It also shows that the family name was probably Joseph or had at least been spelt Joseph in the past.

It is interesting to note that he 'obtained wine from Mr Prosser' ; One of Henry's brothers, we believe, was Thomas Prosser Joseph, so could the creditor have been a relative?

    1       Charles Henry (Joseph) (Jousiffe) Josiffe   1826 - 1871

..    +Eliza Fawsett Bagnett  1824 - 1882

..... 2    Charles Edward Josiffe   1846 - 1900

.........         +Anna / Annie Whitcher 1849 -

.............3  Ada Josiffe  1871 -

.............3  Florence Josiffe  1873 -

.............3  Lillian Josiffe      1874 -

.............3  Louis Josiffe      1879 -

.............3  Charles Edgar Josiffe      1880 -

................. +Unknown  

.............3  Herbert Reginald Josiffe  1887 -

.............3  Gertrude Josiffe  1885 -

.............3  Nellie Winifred Josiffe     1890 -

.............3  Ella Bagnet Josiffe   1882 - 1953

................. +Frederick Flint

.....................   4    Audrey Winifred Flint       1916 -

.............3  Alfred Charles Josiffe      1876 -

.....................   4    Alfred Norman Josiffe      1908 -

.........................     +Elsie Louisa Watts 1907 -

.....................   *2nd Wife of Alfred Norman Josiffe:   

.........................     +Ena D Lynch  

............................. 5    Unknown Josiffe

.................................   +Unknown  

.....................................       6    Christopher S Josiffe      

.....................   *3rd Wife of Alfred Norman Josiffe:    

.........................     +Unknown Woolcock    

..... 2    Ellen Louisa Josiffe  1848 - 1902

..... 2    Alfred Henry Josiffe  1850 - 1855

..... 2    John Dundas Josiffe 1851 - 1852

..... 2    Maria Eliza Josiffe    1853 -

..... 2    Henry Dundas Josiffe      1855 - 1895

.........         +Unknown  

..... 2    Emily B Josiffe   1858 -  

.................+George Cheston Mortimer

..... 2    Frederick William Josiffe 1860 - 1935

.........         +Emma Sophia Wearn   1861 -

.............3  Nellie Emma Beatric Victoria Josiffe  1887 -

.................       +William H Jolley    

.............3  Claude Frederick Josiffe  1894 -

.............3  Dora Winifred Josiffe 1888 -

.............3  Florence Lilian K Josiffe  1890 -

..... 2    Alice Laura Josiffe    1864 -

.........         +Unknown  


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